A new online membership database has be implemented for 2024. All Texas BASS Nation state dues will be renewed and new members added to the TBN Membership database by a bass club officer or designated representative. Membership renewal guidelines for all Divisions are located on the TBN Membership page.
Last year’s member details have been imported to this database. If the data you sent in last year was not complete, it is not complete in this database. Please take the time to review and update each of your club member’s contact information before you pay with a credit card. Deadline for renewal is December 31, 2023 so members will be able to participate in January 2024 tournaments. Renew/add the members you have received payment from by December 31. You can add/renew members as you receive them in 2024.
Do not send membership lists to the State President or any other officer. They will ask you to log in to this database, update club member data and pay online with a credit card.
Thank you for your ongoing participation in Texas B.A.S.S. Nation!
If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to contact
Brent Stafford @ 832-922-5510.
The Texas B.A.S.S. Nation Team