The second stop on the Texas Bass Nation South Region Individual Trail at Coleto found anglers
fishing late spring conditions with temperatures in the mid 80’s, despite the fact it’s just early
February! Water temps in the low 70’s made for fish in all stages of the spawn, and the field fished
everything from 2 feet in the back of creeks, mainlake points in 12-20 feet with shakyheads, to 20
feet with Carolina Rigs.
Jason Branham was the best of class, bringing 5 fish to the scales weighing in at 12.91lbs anchored
by a 4.58lb chunk. Cory Leita made a solid showing with a full creel for 11.66lbs, finishing second
and Ryan Watkins battled mechanical issues but managed to bring in a limit weighing in at 11.26 for
a close third. Robert Brieden found the big bass of the tournament at 5.12lbs. Great job to all!
The next stop for the South Region Individual Trail will be at LBJ on March, 16. Registration online
Team Division: South Region There’s still time to qualify to fish the championship!