Each angler (Adult Club, Youth, College, Team, Kayak) competing for points/standings in any Texas B.A.S.S. Nation (TBN) tournament must meet the requirements appropriate for each Division:
- Be a member of B.A.S.S. (Parent Organization) in good standing. Join B.A.S.S. or Renew B.A.S.S. Membership
- Be a member of B.A.S.S. Nation (National Organization) in good standing.
- Be a member of Texas B.A.S.S. Nation (State Organization) in good standing.
- Be a member of a B.A.S.S. Nation affiliated bass club or school fishing team in the state of Texas.
(“in good standing” refers to membership dues being current.)
B.A.S.S. Nation (National Organization) club re-affiliation for the following year beings on September 1st and ends on December 31st.
Texas B.A.S.S. Nation (State Organization) club re-affiliation for the following year begins on September 1st and ends on December 31st. State membership dues must be paid before the following year’s competition begins in the event an Adult angler decides to fish in a Region that has tournaments in January.
Texas BASS Nation Youth and College Division schedules start in September of each year. These Division membership renewals begin in September of each year.
Texas BASS Nation Team Division: Teams fishing the Texas Bassmaster Open Team Trail will sign up to fish the TBOTT tournament(s) of their choice in any Region. This tournament trail is open to all Teams in Texas. You do not have to be a member of a TBN bass club. Pay Team Membership dues, a tournament entry fee and fish for points to qualify and advance to the next level, fish for cash and/or fish for competitive fun. If your goal is to make it to the Bassmaster Classic, this Team Trail is one of the quickest ways to get there.
Texas BASS Nation At-Large: For those anglers in Texas looking to register as an At-Large member, click the link below to pay your dues online.
Texas B.A.S.S. Nation (TBN) Club Division and Kayak Division: The steps below outline what each Texas B.A.S.S. Nation (TBN) Club Division and Kayak Division officer will do to add or re-new their club/kayak members for the upcoming year. National registration for all Club, College, High School/Jr Club and Kayak membership renewal runs between September 1st through December 31st. If you have problems or need assistance with registration please contact the appropriate Director for your Division.
Steps to pay BASS Nation (National) Membership Dues For Club & Kayak Divisions
- Notify your members to ensure their B.A.S.S. membership is current and valid through the upcoming tournament season. B.A.S.S. memberships can be renewed online at Renew B.A.S.S. Membership or by phone at (877) 227-7872. New members click here to join.
- Collect club, B.A.S.S. Nation (National) and Texas B.A.S.S. Nation (State) dues from each of your bass club or Kayak members.
- Bass Club dues will be collected and renewed by a bass club officer.
- Club officer/representative: Login to the B.A.S.S. Nation Roster Management system to pay BASS Nation (National) membership dues.
BASS Nation Roster Management System
BASS Nation Roster Management System FAQs - Perform general housekeeping for your club’s roster by:
- Ensuring the club’s president and secretary information is correct. If this information is not correct contact B.A.S.S. Nation at (205) 313-0900 to update/resolve.
- Ensuring the club’s contact email and website are correct.
- Ensuring the club’s list of paid members is correct by adding new members or removing inactive members.
- Ensuring each club member’s physical address, email address and cell phone number is correct.
(It is important that all the above information is accurate, since it will be used by TBN directors and officers to determine club and members in good standing prior to tournament events.)
- Using the “Select” action next to each member on your club’s roster, select each member you wish to pay B.A.S.S. Nation (National) dues for.
- Once all active members have been “Selected”, click the “Submit Roster” link, which will take you to an invoice payment screen.
- Select the desired payment type to make payment for BASS Nation National dues.
- After completing National dues payment, make a copy of the invoice for your records.
Steps to pay Texas BASS Nation (State) Membership Dues For Kayak Division
Each angler (Adult Club, Youth, College, Team, Kayak) competing for points/standings in any Texas B.A.S.S. Nation (TBN) tournament must meet the requirements appropriate for each Division:
- Be a member of B.A.S.S. (Parent Organization) in good standing. Join B.A.S.S. or Renew B.A.S.S. Membership
- Be a member of B.A.S.S. Nation (National Organization) in good standing.
- Be a member of Texas B.A.S.S. Nation (State Organization) in good standing.
(“in good standing” refers to membership dues being current.)
Kayak Division anglers will pay Texas BASS Nation Membership dues themselves by launching the form below.
Steps to pay Texas BASS Nation (State) Membership Dues For Club Division
As of September 2023 Texas BASS Nation has implemented a new database for membership renewals and to add new members. Member data is now stored in a relational database housed on an Amazon Web Services server and encrypted with the highest level of encryption. Last year’s member information has been imported to the new database so you wont have to enter member details again. However, you must make sure member information is up to date and accurate.
Bass Club officers and Region Directors will be sent an email with TBN Membership database login credentials and a temporary password. It is recommended to re-set the password before proceeding with membership renewal. You will not be able to access the membership database until you receive this email. If you are a bass club officer, your credentials will allow you to view and update member data for ONLY your bass club. If you are a Club Region Director your credentials will allow you to view and update members in ONLY your Region.
Database Administrator: Brent Stafford (832) 922-5510 or bstafford@texasbass.org

In the left sidebar, set the desired Filters if needed. Click on the “Inactive Member List” for the list of members that need to be updated or membership renewed. To update a member’s information click the “Edit” button to the far right of the member’s name.

Make the needed changes. Click the “Update” button at the bottom of the Edit screen. Click the Left arrow (<-Members) at the top of the Edit screen to return to the Inactive Member List.

To re-new an existing member….click the check box to the left of each member you want to renew, click the “Pay Dues” button at the top of the list to make payment for one or more members. To add a new member click the “+ Add” button at the top right of the Inactive Member List.

On the “Pay Dues” screen review the list of members selected for payment. Members can be added (Add another member) or removed (Red X) from this list as needed. Once you are satisfied the list is correct click the “Pay $X.XX” button below the Total.

On the CC payment screen enter the email that will receive a copy of the invoice, the payment type (GPay, CC, or Cash App), your credit card information if required and click the “PAY” button.

Once payment has been processed successfully, an email will be sent to the email address entered at the top of the payment screen and the member(s) status will be updated to “Active”.
Texas BASS Nation state dues must be paid online so all members will be stored in one database. You may access the TBN Membership database any time throughout the year to add and/or update member information.
Click the database link below to start the membership review/renewal process.